The United States will host the Ninth Summit of the Americas the week of June 6, 2022, in Los Angeles, California.  In addition to the Leaders Summit, the United States announced three official stakeholder forums: the Ninth Civil Society Forum, the Sixth Young Americas Forum, and the Fourth CEO Summit of the Americas.

Each forum will foster greater dialogue between heads of government and the people and businesses of the Americas to address hemispheric challenges and opportunities including social inclusion, economic recovery, climate change, democracy, digital transformation, and democracy.

The Summit of the Americas is an extraordinary opportunity to galvanize attention and mobilize international action and official stakeholder forums are a critical mechanism to ensuring action and accountability.

This site is a platform through which global civil society can share information, ideas, learning and resources related to engagement around the Summit of the Americas. The goals of the site are threefold- first to act as a hub for information and conversations related to the Summit of the Americas; second to ensure the transparency and inclusivity of the Summit processes, and third to bolster accountability for commitments implemented at the Leaders Summit by demonstrating stakeholder input.





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