You can sign up for a free COVID-19 test today, with or without symptoms. Spread the word to your family, friends, and colleagues.

Don’t wait and don’t wonder. Make an appointment and get tested today.

Our first responsibility is to protect the health and economic wellbeing of our most vulnerable neighbors — seniors, Angelenos experiencing homelessness, health care workers on the front lines, women and men at the highest risk of contracting this virus.

From day one, we acted to meet this charge — and those steps saved lives.

We are not moving beyond COVID-19 — we are simply learning to live with it. And we know what we have to do to keep moving, slowly but surely, in our new, safer reality: Stay safer at home. Keep practicing physical distancing — stay six feet away from others. Wash your hands every time you return home and frequently throughout the day, and sanitize surfaces regularly. And wear a face covering when you leave your home and will be near other people.

If we use these tools, and protect our neighbors, we can make it through this chapter together. I know we will, with strength and love.

Thank you for all that you do.

Eric Garcetti
Your Mayor

Los Angeles Mayor’s Office
200 N Spring St
Los Angeles, CA 90012

NOTA: Este mensaje es un resumen del original.




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