The Dominican airline with low prices, AraJet Airlines, officially inaugurates its operations with direct flights between San Salvador and Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, after receiving all the Civil Aviation operating permits.

“With the operation of this airline, the bonds of friendship are strengthened, commercial, Touristic, cultural, as well as opportunities for economic development”, highlighted the president of CEPA Federico Anliker.

It is a historic day for El Salvador and the Dominican Republic, the airline AraJet Airlines will connect both nations directly for the first time. They have highlighted that they have a fleet of new and environmentally friendly aircraft in the market. Salvadorans will be able to connect with other South American countries at low prices.

AraJet representative Victor Pacheco, I inform that they have started with two direct flights per week from the Dominican Republic and El Salvador, but as of November 2, it will be extended to four flight frequencies, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

AraJet Airlines becomes the thirteenth commercial passenger airline to operate in Salvadoran territory.

So far this year, more than 24 million passengers at the “Monseñor Romero” international airport.

Cortesía: Voz de la Diáspora News




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