Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is granted by the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (Secretary) to eligible foreign-born individuals who are unable to return home safely due to conditions or circumstances preventing their country from adequately handling the return.

When can the Secretary designate a country for TPS?

The Secretary can designate a country for TPS due to:

Who is eligible for TPS?

TPS can be granted to an individual who is a national of a designated country, has filed for status during a specified registration period, and who has been continuously physically present in the U.S. since a designated date.

What are the benefits of TPS?

During a designated period, TPS holders are:

  • Not removable from the U.S. and not detainable by DHS on the basis of his or her immigration status,
  • Eligible for an employment authorization document (EAD), and
  • Eligible for travel authorization.


How many individuals are currently granted TPS?

The U.S. currently provides TPS to over 400,000 foreign nationals from the following countries, not including individuals from Afghanistan, Venezuela, and Burma as they were just recently designated.

In America

  • El Salvador: 251,567
  • Honduras: 80,709
  • Haiti: 56,453
  • Nicaragua: 4,526
  • Venezuela: 323,000 eligible


Where do TPS holders live?

TPS holders reside all over the United States. The largest populations of TPS holders live in California (17.95%), Florida (13.75%), Texas (12.88%), New York (12.33%), and Virginia (6.75%).
Most TPS holders from El Salvador live in the Washington, DC (32,359), Los Angeles (30,415) and New York (23,168) metropolitan areas.
Honduran TPS holders live mostly in the New York (8,818), Miami (7,467) and Houston (6,060) metropolitan areas.
Haitian TPS holders live mainly in the Miami (16,287), New York (9,402) and Boston (4,302) metropolitan areas.

The Secretary can extend TPS after a review of country conditions.
A decision concerning a 6, 12 or 18 month extension must be made at least 60-days before the TPS designation is set to expire. TPS extensions only apply to those who already have TPS status. Foreign nationals who arrive after the designated start date are only made eligible for status if TPS is re-designated for their country.

Updated February 1, 2023*

Courtesy: National Immigration Forum

Más Información:

www.NicaraguensesEnElExterior.com | www.TPS.lat




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