Mapa y Listado de los Últimos Terremotos en el Mundo


Encuentre los más recientes o históricos terremotos, listado, información en selectos terremotos de significancia, fuentes de terremotos por estado.
[Find recent or historic earthquakes, lists, information on selected significant earthquakes, earthquake resources by state.]

Últimos Terremotos [Latest Earthquakes]
Advanced National Seismic System
Latest earthquakes map and list (past 24 hours, M2.5+). Tap/click on “gear icon” for options and settings

Listado de Terremotos, Mapas y Estadísticas [Earthquake Lists, Maps and Statistics]
Largest earthquakes, significant events, lists and maps by magnitude, by year, or by location.

Terremotos Especiales, Secuencias de Terremotos y Zonas con Fallas [Special Earthquakes, Earthquake Sequences, and Fault Zones]
Compilations of information about significant earthquakes, swarms or sequences, and fault zones of interest.

Catálogo de Búsqueda de Terremotos [Search Earthquake Catalog]
View historic seismicity, find past earthquakes that meet your criteria. Various output formats, and links to earthquake details.

Notificaciones en Tiempo Real, Suplidores y Servicios Web [Real-time Notifications, Feeds, and Web Services]
Get real-time earthquake notifications sent to you on your phone or by email, or subscribe to real-time feeds. Use real-time web services for your own applications.

Información por Región [Information by Region]
Information by state, and world seismicity maps. Links to earthquake-related information for each state.

ANSS Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog (ComCat) Documentation
Data availability, formats, API, feeds, access, contributors.

Errata de Últimos Terremotos [Errata for Latest Earthquakes]
Mistakes happen. Here are the explanations.

 Cortesía: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)


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