Free Francisco – Justice for Francisco Aguirre Sacasa


On Tuesday, July 27th, Francisco Aguirre-Sacasa was stopped at the border of Nicaragua and Costa Rica by the Nicaraguan police. He was detained and arrested. He has been falsely accused and has been detained with over 35 other political prisoners for over 40 days.

The conditions are inhumane. Our father is 77 years old.
Help stop these human rights violations.

#FreeFrancisco #PresosPorque #SOSNicaragua

El martes 27 de julio nuestro papá, Francisco Aguirre-Sacasa, fue detenido por el régimen Ortega/Murillo. Lo arrestaron y lo acusaron falsamente. Ya son más de 40 días sin poder sacar a nuestro papá de la cárcel. Es tiempo que el régimen Ortega/Murillo dejen salir a todos los prisioneros políticos.


Presidente Ortega y Vicepresidenta Murillo:

We are concerned citizens from around the globe. We believe in democracy and human rights, and we are gravely concerned about the treatment of political and civil society leaders in Nicaragua.

We implore you to please respect the human rights of your citizens and release political prisoners, including Francisco Aguirre-Sacasa, to their families. Enough is enough.

Thank you,

Aguirre-Sacasa Family




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