Latino Coalition of Los Angeles
PAC Annual Summer Mixer

Los Ángeles, CALIFORNIA (Nicas En El Exterior News).— On Friday, August 11, 2017 the Latino Coalition of Los Angeles PAC hosted their Annual Summer Mixer with special guests LAUSD School Board Member Kelly Gonez, LA City Councilmembers Curren Price & Jose Huizar. Over 50 guests were in attendance, many were attending their first Latino Coalition of Los Angeles (LCLA) event ever, while some have been long time supporters! The Latino Coalition of Los Angeles PAC is political action committee registered with the state of California since 2012 that supports current elected officials and new candidate push the people’s agenda in Los Angeles around affordable housing, community & economic development, an accessible government and transparent leadership!


The theme of the mixer was building new partnerships while strengthening current relationships. The night also called for new members to join the LCLA PAC moving forward! The special guest speakers talked about their experience in government and sound off with a united message to the young leaders and professionals in the room of never giving up on their dreams!

Some of the best young talent in the in Los Angeles Latino community like Raul Claros, founder of the Latino Coalition of Los Angeles PAC now LA City Commissioner on Affordable Housing, Joseph Chicas advisory committee member of LCLA & current professor at USC as well as Leo Faria former Chief of Staff to the Los Angeles Guatemalan Consulate have come through the Latino Coalition of Los Angeles PAC!

Successful initiatives like the naming & official designation of the El Salvador Corridor, Koreatown & Little Bangladesh have all come through LCLA. Most recently, the LCLA team were first responders to the Trump administration and created the California Rising response team who co-lead the efforts of creating the LA City Ad Hoc Committee on Immigration & Human Rights as well as the naming go Peter Schey as the official City Advocate on Human & Civil Rights as well as endorsing multiple winning candidate in the spring of 2017 multiple city, school district and congressional races.

With the upcoming 2018 Governors race coming up, this PAC looks like a major player in the making!




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